
Quality in Enterprise Development Conference

Envision yourself at QED 20/20 Conference!

Based on feedback from last year’s QED, we know that we once again managed to create an excellent conference.  We covered exciting content that correctly addressed the needs of IT professionals who either work with or develop products or services for large enterprises. Through 5 panel discussions, five workshops, 12 talks and focusing on our overarching theme of trust, more than 250 participants learned and discussed open banking, cloud-native technologies, system resilience, microservices, agile transitions, and other relevant IT topics. And we even had a lot of fun.

Popular phrase says Hindsight is 20/20.

The meaning is that it is easy to have a clear picture after the battle is over. But understanding and being able to see how we should set things up in the future to achieve the best result – is much more difficult.

Year 2020 is a leap year, year of the rat, the year We might see Britain exiting the European Union and when the USA elect their (new?) president.

In CROZ, we hope to see the results of our vision and agenda called the 2020 50:50 plan. The goal is to have at least half of our business generated outside of the Balkan region.  Consequently, we also aim to have half of our QED participants come from all over the world.

Previous year’s conference addressed themes like failure, creativity, trust, and harmony – using hindsight, it was easy for us to determine this year’s theme – Vision!

At the next QED Conference want to try to envision the future of enterprise IT systems! That’s impossible, we know that, of course. But still, let’s spend some time discussing it. How do we dance around the hype cycles of emerging tech? Can our organizations and cultures remain coherent, while dancing?

We hope we have piqued your curiosity to attend the QED 2020 Conference. Save the date and join us in Split, May 24-26, 2020